Youth Protection
To provide safety and Security of its youth members, BSA/Scouting America has strict policies, known as the Guide to Safe Scouting. These policies are primarily for the protection of our youth members; however, many of them also serve to protect our adult leaders from false accusations of abuse. Click here for the online version of the current Guide to Safe Scouting.
Scout Training
The at-home review of “How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse – A Parent’s Guide.” and the corresponding rank adventure is a required part of your child’s advancement each year.
Parent Level Training
BSA/Scouting America policy requires all adults (parents/guardians) registering for overnight campouts to complete the BSA Youth Protection Training a minimum of one (1) week prior to any overnight activity.
Volunteers Level Training
In addition to BSA training requirements, Pack 652 leaders and volunteers are required to complete child protection training through the Catholic Church, our local sponsoring organization.
While anyone interested in volunteering with the Pack are required to complete this training, we encourage all parents/guardians to complete the training.