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Lion (Kindergarten)

Lion Scouts is a fun introduction to the Scouting program for kindergarten-age youth eager to get going! Lions do adventures with their adult partners and other Lions every month. This program introduces youth and their families to Scouting and the outdoors as it builds a foundation of character. Everything as a Lion.

Den Meetings: 2nd Wednesday of the month @ 6pm

Pack Meetings: 4th Wednesday of the month @ 6pm

Lion Badge Requirements

Kindergartners work toward their Lion rank. The Lion rank is earned by completing five adventures as described below. Although participation with an adult partner is required for all Lion awards, recognition items are for the Scouts only.

1. Complete the five required adventures:

  • Lion Bobcat
  • Fun on the Run
  • King of the Jungle
  • Lion’s Pride
  • Lion’s Roar
  • Mountain Lion

2. With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide. 

Once the five required adventures are completed, there are seven elective adventures that will be worked on as a den or with family.

Lion Uniform

The Lion Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:

  1. Shirt: The official Lion t-shirt.
  2. Belt: Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle.
  3. Cap: Official navy-blue Lion cap.
  4. Neckerchief: Yellow triangular neckerchief with Lion logo. Official BSA neckerchiefs are the only neckerchiefs that are part of the uniform.  (Provided by Pack 652.)
  5. Neckerchief slide: Pack 652 has a pack-specific slide (provided by Pack 652), though Scouts can purchase a BSA den specific slide at the Scout store.
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